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Medical abortion: (sometimes called medication abortion) refers to an abortion accomplished through the taking of a drug or combination of drugs, including mifepristone, methotrexate, and misoprostol.


Surgical abortion: refers to an abortion that is performed with surgical instruments, such as manual vacuum aspiration.


The type of abortion procedure used to terminate a pregnancy is primarily determined by how far you are into pregnancy. In most cases, you have the option of a medical abortion procedure or a surgical abortion procedure during the first trimester.


Before considering either of these options, it is recommended that you have an ultrasound to determine if the pregnancy is viable (uterine, non-ectopic pregnancy) and for accurate pregnancy dating. We offer both pregnancy tests and ultrasounds free of charge. Call or contact us for these services.


NOTE: Positive Options offers medical staff and trained advocates who will provide accurate information about all pregnancy options; however, we do not offer or refer for abortion services. The information presented on this website is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional and/or medical advice.




Things to do:
» Confirm you are pregnant
» Determine how far along you are
» Get accurate information about all of your choices
» Educate yourself on the different abortion procedures



In Michigan, the following restrictions on abortion are in effect as of April 1, 2014:
» A woman must receive state-directed counseling that includes information regarding all pregnancy choices and wait 24 hours before the procedure is provided.


» Abortion is covered in private insurance policies only in cases of life endangerment, unless an optional rider is purchased at an additional cost.


» Health plans that will be offered in the state’s health exchange under the Affordable Care Act cover abortion only in cases when the woman's life is endangered, unless an optional rider is purchased at an additional cost.


» The parent of a minor must consent before an abortion is provided.


» Public funding is available for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape, or incest.




Abortion may not be as simple as a procedure. Abortion is a life-changing event with physical risks such as heavy bleeding, infection, damage to organs, and though rare, even death. There are also women and men who have reported emotional repercussions such as guilt, depression, anxiety, and relationship difficulties.  

There are people who say they wish they had considered more closely all facts and risks concerning abortion, before having the procedure. If you or someone you know is experiencing regret from an abortion, you are not alone. We offer confidential and compassionate support groups designed to help women work through these feelings.


We understand that this process can be overwhelming as you consider your options. Take the time to become fully informed and empowered to make a healthy choice.



The types of abortion procedures performed during the first trimester are:

Mifepristone and Misoprostol: a medical abortion procedure used up to the first ten weeks of pregnancy. It can also be referred to as RU-486, the abortion pill, and Mifeprex.

Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA): a procedure used as early as 3 -12 weeks from your last period. A local anesthesia is typically used on the cervix.

Aspiration: a surgical abortion procedure used to terminate pregnancy up to 16 weeks from the last period. It can also be referred to as suction curettage, dilation and curettage (D & C), or vacuum aspiration.



Medication based abortion procedures are not an option during the second trimester. The types of abortion procedures performed during the second trimester are:


Dilation & Curettage (D & C): a surgical abortion procedure used to terminate a pregnancy up to 16 weeks gestation. It is also referred to as suction curettage or vacuum aspiration.


Dilation & Evacuation (D & E): a surgical abortion procedure used to terminate a pregnancy after 16 weeks of gestation.



The availability of any procedure used in the third trimester is based on the laws of your state.


» Pymar HC, Creinin MD (2000). Alternatives to mifepristone regimens for medical abortion.
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 183 (2): s54-s64.
» Paul M, et al. (1999). A Clinician’s Guide to Medical and Surgical Abortion. New York: Churchill Livingstone.
» Creinin MD, et al. (2001). Medical management of abortion.
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Practice Bulletin, no. 26, pg.1-13.
» Goldberg ab, et al. (2001). Misoprostol and pregnancy. New England Journal of Medicine, 344 (1): 3845.
» Stewart GK (1998). Intrauterine devices. In RA Hatcher et al., eds., Contraceptive Technology, 17th rev.ed., pp.511-544.
New York: Ardent Media.
» Spitz IM, et al. (1998). Early pregnancy termination with mifepristone and misoprostol in the U.S.
New England Journal of Medicine, 338 (18): 1241-1247.
» Reproductive Health Technologies Project,




The following is a list of side effects that are frequently experienced after an abortion. It is possible to experience these side effects for as long as 2 to 4 weeks following the procedure.
» Abdominal pain and cramping
» Nausea
» Vomiting
» Diarrhea
» Spotting and Bleeding


Potential, More Serious Complications Following An Abortion:

Although serious complications occur in fewer than 1 out of 100 first-trimester abortions and approximately 1 out of every 50 late-term abortions, it is important to be aware of the following risks:
» Heavy or persistent bleeding
» Infection or sepsis
» Damage to the cervix
» Scarring of the uterine lining
» Perforation of the uterus
» Damage to other organs
» Death


It is important to understand that these risks are rare and that some of these risks are associated with child birth. What matters is that you are aware that these risks exist as you strive to make an informed decision about your pregnancy.



If you have had an abortion, call your doctor and seek medical attention if your side effects become severe or if you experience any of the following:
» Severe abdominal and back pain that prohibits you from standing up
» Bleeding that is heavier than a normal menstrual period
» Foul-smelling discharge
» Fever above 100.4 F
» Continuing symptoms of pregnancy

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