If you’re thinking about making the choice to parent, we can walk alongside you and help you prepare for the adventure ahead. While every pregnancy may not be planned, every parent can prepare to lovingly care for the little one they are now responsible for. We can also help provide the practical resources you will need to provide for your baby’s arrival.
Parenting brings with it much responsibility, but also great joy. Whether you would become a single parent or you are parenting together, you are faced with many decisions to make for you and your baby.
Is parenting the right choice for me?
Before you decide if parenting is the right choice for you, you want to carefully evaluate your situation. Asking yourself a few important questions can help you organize your thoughts and think about parenting as an option.
- Does the father want to be involved?
- Do you have a support system to help you?
- How do you plan to financially support yourself and your child?
- What resources are available for you in your community?
These are just a couple of questions to think about, when you make an appointment at Positive Options, we guide you through this process and ask you questions to help you decide.
Read the "Before you decide" magazine for more truth based information
Single Parenting
Becoming a single parent might not be what you had planned, but you are still capable of being a great parent! If your partner does not want to be involved, parenting is still an option for you.
Sometimes life circumstances make a decision to parent difficult, call Positive Options and let us help support you. You are not alone. There are many people who care about you and your baby, and will help you find the strength and the resources you need to parent your child.
Here are some of the ways we can help:
Free confirmation pregnancy testing
Discuss your options with our friendly, knowledgeable staff and trained volunteers
Free maternity, baby, and toddler clothes
Supplemental formula and diapers
Other medical, financial, and legal referrals
Parenting education classes
We can connect you with other organizations when you decide to parent your baby. Our help is designed to get you started on the path to self-sufficiency. We have a large network of community resources that LOVE single moms and are waiting to embrace you and give you ongoing mentoring and support.
We are here to help you address your concerns, offer you support, and help you find the resources needed to parent.
To learn more about those services and how you can receive assistance as a parent, schedule your no-cost appointment with us today!