If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, you may be considering an abortion. It is important to remember that abortion is a medical procedure and, like any other medical procedure, you should consult a medical professional beforehand.
Because there are different types of procedures and risks associated with each, it’s important to discuss your options and receive the most up-to-date information.
The type of abortion procedure used to terminate a pregnancy is primarily determined by how far you are into pregnancy. Depending on the abortion provider, you may have the option of a medical abortion procedure (abortion pill) or a surgical abortion procedure during the first trimester.
Before considering either of these options, it is recommended that you have an ultrasound. We offer both pregnancy testing and ultrasounds free of charge.
Perhaps you're thinking:
The father is insisting on an abortion... I'm not ready to be a parent... I can't tell anyone I'm pregnant.
Many of our staff have been where you are and know how you feel. You are not alone.
Whether you are considering abortion or not, you'll want to consider these questions:
Are you really pregnant?
How far along are you?
We are here to help you sort through your questions and concerns. There is a lot to educate yourself on before you make a decision, and we are here to listen and offer support.
Abortion is not just a simple procedure; it may have many side effects. Please contact our center so that you can make an informed decision.
Positive Options offers pregnancy diagnosis, decision coaching, and accurate information about all pregnancy options; however, we do not offer or refer for abortion services.
Do you have a question about abortion? Give us a call: 616. 396-5840