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Positive Options offers free pregnancy testing.

Our pregnancy tests are medical quality, highly sensitive, and provide immediate results. They detect the presence of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone which circulates in a pregnant woman’s body shortly after fertilization and is released in urine.


Our free & confidential services are provided by medical professionals & overseen by a licensed physician.


Here are the Top 10 Signs & Symptoms of Pregnancy you should watch for.

1. Late or Missed Period

2. Nausea and/or Vomiting

3. Frequent Urination

4. Spotting or Cramping

5. Unexplained Fatigue

6. Feeling lightheaded or dizzy

7. Food Cravings or Aversions

8. Increased Sense of Smell

9. Darkening of Nipples

10. Sore, Swollen, or Itchy Breasts


If you have more than one of the following symptoms or a late period, make an appointment and get the answers you need right away.


Call one of our centers near you:


Call us in Holland: 616.396.5840

Call us in Allegan: 269.686.7111

Call us in Allendale: 616.895.1893

Call us in Grand Haven: 616.842.7510


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